Hawk Mountain Merit Badge Day
This is an optional event put on by Hawk Mountain. For more details please go to https://scoutingevent.com/?OrgKey=BSA528&calendarID=469513
This is an optional event put on by Hawk Mountain. For more details please go to https://scoutingevent.com/?OrgKey=BSA528&calendarID=469513
We have a tentative bowling night planned, more details to follow.
Scout Sunday. All Scouts and parents are encouraged to attend in their Class A's to show the church how much we appreciate their support. Details and times to follow.
Blue and Gold ceremony for Cub Scouts. We don't need all Boy Scouts in attandance. If we would like you to attend, Rick will invite you. Time TBD
Tentatively at AMity AC, details to be announed closer to date.