Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser

St. Paul's UCC 1979 Weavertown Rd, Douglasville, PA, United States

This will be the Troop's 2nd Spaghetti Supper fundraiser of the Scouting year. We will need everyone's support to sell tickets and work the event.

Troop Meeting and Committee Meeting

St. Paul's UCC 1979 Weavertown Rd, Douglasville, PA, United States

Regular Troop Meeting upstairs and committee meeting upstairs. All parents are welcome to attend.

Winter Cabin Camping

Hawk Mountain Scout Reservation 402 Blue Mountain Rd, Schuylkill Haven, PA, United States

Winter cabin camping with a possibility of snow tubing. Locatoin TBD


Troop Meeting

St. Paul's UCC 1979 Weavertown Rd, Douglasville, PA, United States

Regular Troop meeting

Blue and Gold

Blue and Gold ceremony for Cub Scouts. We don't need all Boy Scouts in attandance. If we would like you to attend, Rick will invite you. Time TBD

Troop Meeting

St. Paul's UCC 1979 Weavertown Rd, Douglasville, PA, United States

Regular Troop meeting

Troop Meeting and Fundraising Committee Meeting

St. Paul's UCC 1979 Weavertown Rd, Douglasville, PA, United States

Regular Troop meeting downstairs and Fundraising Committee Meeting upstairs. All parents are welcome to attend.

Frontier District Roundtable

Roundtable is held on the second Wednesday of the month at the Pike Township Sportsmen's Association located at  Christ Lutheran church. 325 Covered Bridge Rd, Oley (red brick church, use […]

Cub Klondike Derby

Ironstone Park 141 Grist Mill Rd, Boyertown, PA, United States

Camp for the weekend and help the Troop put on a great event for the Cub Pack

Troop Meeting and Committee Meeting

St. Paul's UCC 1979 Weavertown Rd, Douglasville, PA, United States

Regular Troop meeting downstairs, committee meeting upstairs. All parents are welcome to attend.

Troop Meeting

St. Paul's UCC 1979 Weavertown Rd, Douglasville, PA, United States

Regular Troop meeting

Troop Meeting

St. Paul's UCC 1979 Weavertown Rd, Douglasville, PA, United States

Regular Troop Meeting